Friday, July 29, 2016

Here We Go!

So a new blog, huh? Yeah, I want to share my journey as I attempt to write my own comic series. Full disclosure, comics aren’t my day job, I am a Microsoft programmer/architect to pay the bills. Creating comics is more a hobby (as Jim Zub says a very expensive hobby).

Also sharing a little more truth, this isn’t my first comic either, I have written short stories in 8 Percent and Vanbreed Studios Presents (both on Comixology at 

This will be the first time I have tried to do an on-going series. Luckily, I am not going it alone. Matthew Waite (Deadpool, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers) is doing the line art and Ron Marz (Green Lantern, WitchBlade and a ton more titles) is doing the editing. We also have the talented Rachel Deering doing the lettering.

So, I have pretty much buried the lead, the book is called Sword of Freyja, which ironically enough is about a sword and a Norse Goddess named Freyja. It’s not a Sword and Sorcery book, per se. More of a “what happens when a crazed ego-maniac gets one of the most powerful artifacts in all of history and ruins your life with it” kind of story.

This won’t be a hype page, though if you get hyped about the book I won’t complain. This is more about what I learn about creating a comic and how I work with my team. I will share some script notes and art work along the way to demonstrate some of these points.

So stay tuned.


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