Monday, December 26, 2016

Delays and Opportunities

Hi Folks,
The last time I posted, we had just finished promoting the preview for Sword of Freyja. As things tend to go in the indie comic world, projects get delayed due to artist's other commitments. Rather than piece-meal the book we decided to put Freyja on hold for the near term. While this was a disappointment, it was also an opportunity, an opportunity to tell a different story.

I have always been fascinated with World War II, in part, because I served in the 10th Mountain Division, whose roots trace back to World War II.

The time period, was truly unique and I don't think we will ever see that kind of selflessness again.

The luxury of being an independent comic creator is telling whatever story you want. So, a World War II story it is.

Telling a war story is challenging, you have to invest in your characters and give them depth but in the back of your mind you realize this character probably won't make it through the mission. Even though it's war, I don't want a bunch of senseless deaths. To really tell this story, I needed the help of a master story teller. The first person I called was Ron Marz. I pitched the idea to him and he simply replied "You had me at World War II".

Ok, now that I have a partner in crime, I need an artist. The artist couldn't just be anyone. We needed someone with the chops to not only handle the technical difficulty of drawing military equipment but also give life and movement to all our characters. So we turned to the one guy that we knew could pull it off, Ron's Green Lantern running buddy, Darryl Banks.

Now we have writers and artists, we need to round out the team, we need a colorist and letterer. Sometimes when you are doing your own book, it's easy to overlook or go cheap on color and lettering but that is a mistake.

You can have the best art in the world but if the color isn't right, it kills the mood of the story. You can have the greatest script ever but if your lettering is off , the words lose meaning. We needed some extraordinary talents to help us tell our tale, so I reached out to two rising talents in the industry, Dee Cunniffe and Rachel Deering.

The team is complete, the script is written and the art is flowing, so watch out world, here comes Harken's Raiders!